2012 Week 7

Cheryl has experienced what I believe to be a few key “Ah-Ha” moments this past week…1) Persistency AND patience pays off—big time, 2) Dieting and exercising are a part of a healthy lifestyle – not a quick fix for a single event and 3) Even a little bit of help can go a long way and make an important difference in someone’s health and fitness goals. We’re 7 weeks into the 12 week process. Cheryl not only experienced a set back from a self-inflicted injury which took her about 2 weeks out of the gym, she overcame the frustration of that setback, is 12 pounds less on the scale, feeling more energetic, kicked her sugar addiction and feeding off the encouragement from others! How exciting is THAT?!

In addition to the realizations she’s had mentally, she’s beginning to ‘see’ physical changes that further motivate her to keep pushing forward. I gave her very simple compound movements to perform for her resistance training and asked her to look up certain exercises – most anything can be found if you do a youtube.com search – so she can make sure her form is good. This is where one of the primary disadvantages of virtual training can creep in – I’m not there to ‘watch’ her, push her and/or make sure she’s really doing everything I put on paper. This is where trust and personal accountability make or break the progress. Fortunately, as with my former “Take Control” client, she is VERY disciplined and committed. She knows that if nothing changes, nothing changes and working towards a physical goal has been something she already accomplished on a much greater scale (pun intended). She already mastered significant weight loss years ago; this process now is like fine tuning the engine and just making it more efficient—but still requires the commitment and attitude she needed for her first transformation.

Next week I’ll advance her training routines since she’s healing well and ready to ‘mix it up.’ And she’ll talk a little more specifically about ‘how’ her physique is changing and what’s she’s liking (or disliking) about her new found experiences in the weight room!  Stay tuned…stay focused and get fit!


This week was all about ah-ha moments….Do you know that one moment where everything seems to fit perfectly, the Universe is just as it should be and something in your brain clicks and the light comes on?! That’s what this week was for me. I’m looking in the mirror and things are already beginning to shift around, so to speak, and it dawns on me that I feel great! People are also starting to take notice and tap me on the shoulder at the gym and say, “Whatever you’re doing keep doing it because you are looking great!”
I’m and starting to feel stronger and more capable so my eating is just a ‘no brainer’ at this point because why would I want to fuel my body with anything that is going to mess with this amazing feeling I have? That was my Ah-Ha moment! I felt like Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz” when she realized that she always had the power to go home whenever she wanted but she just needed to figure it out on her own (with a little help from some friends….that means you Angela)!
At this point I’m ready to take on whatever comes my way next and I know it will be hard but anything in this life that is worth it is worth fighting for, right?! After 12 weeks, I know by that point, this will not be the end for me…I will continue on because this is a new way of life! Till next week my friends…fight for what you want because you won’t be sorry….and even if you FALL (like some klutz we all know) get back up and continue on…



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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.