Andrea’s Blog 4

Wow! Is it seriously already March?? What are we doing here so soon?! I've been in constant communication with Andrea – thanks to the ease of texting – but, her fantourage is being denied all of the daily updates…and let’s just say folks…since recovering from the January “crud”…she’s not tripping the light fantastic, she’s raising the roof!!!! As of TODAY, while we don’t have 45 days worth of “before” and “now” measurements – I just had her give me them in early Feb. after she got over her “bug” – Andrea is just shy of a 20 pound weight loss---and EXCITED about competing in a pageant, in … [Read more...]

National Nutrition Month ~ Letter from the Editor


Welcome to National Nutrition Month at eFitFamily!  We invite you to join us in taking small steps towards a healthier diet.  Many families have limited meal options due to a rushed schedule...from work to picking kids up from school to taking kids to gymnastics, soccer, boys and girls scout, to homework time to chores to bedtime...where's all the time to cook a healthy well-balanced meal? We challenge you to find creative ways to make healthy choices for your family...Is your crockpot collecting dust instead of helping cook a vegetable stew while you're at work and the kids are at school?  … [Read more...]