Final Blog of Cheryl’s Journey

This final blog finds me very sore but happy as can be; got my final plan from my fairy godmother in May. And, even only being 2 days into it, I could tell those last four weeks were going to be a challenge.

It was quite a mix of different weight training exercises, coupled with interval cardio training. Also, I was given the task of coming up with another fitness challenge to do. I chose to attempt a triathlon 2 days after my 40th birthday the first week of June, which would also be the conclusion of this wonderful journey. Silly me! Although I couldn’t imagine a better way to go out than that, I ended up not doing one—yet!

The good news is my body is continuing to change and I hired a trainer locally to keep me going! If you asked me, “What are the largest changes you’re seeing?” I’d have to say they continue to be in my waistline, legs and hips….three areas that up until now have been almost impossible for me to sculpt. My diet is almost a no-brainer for me now. Not to say that I don’t get tempted or sway from what I’m supposed to eat but even when I am “cheating” I feel myself making more informed smarter choices of what to fuel my body with, it’s an amazing feeling. I am happy almost every day and I’m able to cope with the stresses of life better and I have to attribute that to my new way of life! Yet, I sit here with mixed feelings writing this blog…..I’m feeling sadness and a sense of accomplishment. The sadness of course is because this journey with my wonderful trainer, whom I now consider a friend, is over and the accomplishment comes from the fact that I made it through.

These last 18 weeks have not been easy. There have been many ups and downs (quite literally…LOL)! I’ve learned so much about myself and how strong I can be! I’ve also learned so much about food and exercise and what my body needs. To recap–I have lost 17 lbs. and over 15 inches which I didn’t think possible, I have not touched a real coke or sweet tea for 12 weeks (which is UTTERLY amazing for me), I finished my first 10K and am training for a half marathon. Also, my body feels stronger and looks tighter! Do I look like a supermodel yet?? Of course not! I know that this is a journey for me that won’t stop just because this is my last blog. It WILL continue on! Oh, and just as a side note, my daughter has been going to the gym with me and eating better with me. She’s already lost 12 lbs. The other day she said to me, “Mommy why does the gym make me feel so happy?” That comment alone was one of the biggest accomplishments in this entire process. I’ve been afraid my daughter would have the same years in high school as I did being the “chubby kid” but she looks amazing and feels great and I’m showing her the way! I didn’t force her to go or even suggest it, she just learned by example…… It honestly brought tears to my eyes–I’m one VERY proud Mamma! In closing I’d like to say thank you to my trainer and friend, Angela. She is an inspiration to me and I will miss her and her guidance and motivation. Her enthusiasm is infectious!!!! So on my journey I will continue…but I will miss sharing it with all of you……


Well…here we go… After working with Cheryl for what ended up being the first half of the year versus a mere 12 week period, it is with excitement – yet a heavy heart – that I release her into the wild world and say, ‘good-bye’ to our training relationship. When Cheryl came to me in mid-January, I absolutely knew she’d be successful in reaching her goals! You see, the thing is…as with any teacher/student relationship…you just “know” beyond a reasonable doubt, in spite of disadvantages and/or setbacks, which individual is going to reach a goal over someone who just has potential. The truth is – EVERYone has potential! To me, what makes someone stand out is the person who asks for help, the person who develops self-awareness and is open to change, and, as with many goals, the one who never, ever gives up!

Cheryl had already accomplished a major weight loss goal before working with me and applied what she learned to create a new lifestyle of healthy eating habits. Through her initial success, which was truly a process over a several year period, she became aware of her ‘demons’ and triggers that caused her to regress and could quickly apply what she learned to correct her behavior and get back on track. Once she formed those new habits and kept off the major portion of weight for a few years she worked so hard to lose, she was ready to take herself on a journey. That journey would be a new fitness goal since her body was healthier and much more capable of moving efficiently.

In the first month, Cheryl suffered a fall, literally, that could have easily been a valid reason to “quit” what we started together. But, what did I say earlier? People that truly want something don’t “quit” nor do they see any challenge as a failure—failure is not an option and for Cheryl neither was quitting. So, we agreed to be patient and have her heal before we’d get going again, and we’d have to take it slow. We focused on her diet since she was an emotional eater and now very frustrated with having to cease any physical training. Most of our training during the first actual month was “mental” training; we focused on staying positive, learning to be patient and staying excited about the journey.

Now, several inches later and an obvious change in body composition from “fluffy” to “fit”, Cheryl healed completely, accomplished her first 10K, inspired many, including her daughter, picked up a new trainer locally in Florida for her to continue the journey, and has set a goal of a triathlon this year. Oh, and she celebrated her 40th birthday June 1st! Not a bad way to wrap up the first half of 2012, huh? As I mentioned that she had inspired many…I’ll begin to wrap this up…she inspired me. *sigh* I’ve discovered by being a personal trainer, and I’m certain this is similar for any “teacher”, that sometimes the success in that relationship is not only measured by what the student/client accomplishes and learns, but also by what the trainer/teacher receives—and learns. The growth is often reciprocal, and, both people end up better for it!

Cheryl’s determination and prior journey truly illustrate the “never, ever, ever, give up” attitude. As a trainer, she makes me extremely proud and I think she’d be an inspiration to other people in my gym, including some of my clients. And, as a friend, I will stay in touch with her and keep being her cheerleader…besides, she taught me how to be a better cheerleader to myself….keep on keeping on, Cheryl. You’ve been a blessing!




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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.