How Much Exercise Do Kids Need?

There was a time when no one worried about kids getting enough exercise. Before the invention of television, computers and video games, children often spent much of their time participating in physical activities. They played tag with friends, organized impromptu basketball games and rode their bikes. But today, the abundance of inactive pursuits for children has led to a decrease in their activity level.

The dangers of an inactive lifestyle are many. When an adult has a sedentary lifestyle, it increases his risk of serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. The same is true for children. Those who do not get enough exercise are at risk for obesity, which can lead to the same ailments and more.

Sadly, the risk of obesity in children can be greater than it is in adults. Growing bodies need lots of calories for their size. But they also need to burn some of those calories. When kids eat what is considered a normal amount for their age and size but do not get sufficient exercise, they gain weight. Add in the fact that they often consume too many unhealthy, high calorie foods, and the risk of obesity is compounded.

Since inactivity in children has not been a problem in years past, there hasn’t been much discussion about how much exercise a child needs. Many parents do not even consider the fact that their children aren’t getting enough exercise, because they got plenty of it when they were kids. Others are aware that exercise is a bigger concern today than it once was, but aren’t sure how much of it their children need.

Most medical professionals agree that children need at least an hour of moderate exercise each day. Moderate exercise includes such activities as walking, swimming or bicycling. This exercise can and should be divided up into smaller portions. A child who plays tag for 20 minutes in the morning, rides her bike for 20 minutes in the afternoon and plays basketball for 20 minutes after dinner is getting an adequate amount of exercise according to these guidelines.

Many experts say that kids need even more exercise than that. Some advocate making sure that they get at least 90 minutes each day. But it is important for children not to overexert themselves. Prolonged intense exercise can expose young bodies to a greater risk of injury. As a general rule, kids can exercise for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. As long as they get ample rest in between these exercise periods, there is no need to limit their activity.

In today’s technologically advanced world, exercise often falls by the wayside, especially for kids. But making sure they get enough exercise each day is crucial to their health. Limiting time spent watching TV and playing games and encouraging our children to enjoy more active pursuits can set the stage for a lifetime of good health.



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