Kelly’s Week 6

Kelly’s Blog – Week 6

One day until I leave for vacation and I am right on track!! I feel like I just wrote a blog and don’t have too much to report this week. Once again, I have been on point with my food and have increased my cardio exercise (I had a little more time this week). I did a pyramid leg work out on Tuesday that Angela gave me and my legs are quite sore today (Thursday). I plan to get the chest/shoulder workout in this afternoon.

My house is clean, my bags aren’t packed yet, but I am ready to get on the road. We will be with family all week, which I am really looking forward too; however, I plan to keep my own schedule and work out plan as best I can and only eat what I am suppose too. I am happy that we have rented a house and will not be going out to eat very often. I can’t let circumstances derail me…I still need to remember to make the right CHOICES. I am not packing the scale. So, I won’t know how I do until I get back in 10 days. That detox will probably be good for me. To lose weight while I am gone would be great, but to maintain would be good as well (it is vacation). I will say, however, after cleaning up my food I do not crave the sweets or snacks like I did, so it has gotten a lot easier!!

I will weigh in tomorrow morning and let you know the results – and then send this off to Angela. So…I wrote this in the morning and then went to a funeral. I feel the need to share with you (because I am proud of myself) that I did not stay for the church lunch afterward…and for those of you who have ever been to a Methodist Church lunch of any kind knows that they have the BEST (bad for you) food and desserts. I socialized, grabbed a small piece of watermelon on my way out, and came home to eat lunch.

Friday morning: 146.4 which is 3.1 lbs down from last week. Total loss of 14 lbs so far! Myrtle Beach here I come (with my resistance bands packed)!!


Kelly has been on vacation this week…which should create an interesting blog next time around! Her expectations were realistic – to ‘just maintain’ – given she’s gone for 10 days of family fun. I tell people, especially clients, that a vacation is just that—a break from reality – so enjoy them! Yet, if you have weight loss goals, your best bet is to maintain while you’re gone. Kelly is doing all of the things that need to be done leading up to her vacation – and not packing the scale is even better, lol.

The pyramid setting was just something to throw in so we could ‘mix’ it up and cause some standard muscle confusion. Pyramid setting is great for exhausting muscle fibers; therefore, you build lean muscle more effectively. You can start off typically with a high number of reps (20-12) and as you decrease the reps in the set you lift a heavier weight. An example could be 15, 12, 10, 8, and 6 for a given exercise and as the number goes down, your weight goes up. If you’re not struggling during the last 2 reps of any given set, you can probably kick it up a notch and go a tad heavier with the weight.

Based on what I’ve seen on Kelly’s FB page…she’s having a good time with her family which is truly the most important thing during a vacation…nonetheless, I hope her choices have remained good ones! We’ll find out by Monday….




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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.