Kelly’s Weeks 10 & 11

Kelly’s Blog – Weeks 10 & 11

So, it has been a couple of weeks since I have checked in. Although school started for us at the end of August, full activity schedules started last week. We also had lots of social events happening, including a party at our house on Labor Day. I was a little discouraged after Labor Day weekend, as I was up a couple of pounds from the week before. I don’t think it was completely that I over ate. I think some of it was water retention from too much salty food, etc. I still exercised a lot that week, including redoing the landscaping of my entire yard. So…last Monday or Tuesday wouldn’t have really been a good day to write anyway. I did check in with Angela and she basically said “don’t sweat it – reevaluate and move on” so that is exactly what I did. On Tuesday, I began my clean eating plan again and when I weighed in this morning. I was down 1.5 pounds, putting me at 140.3 (20.2 lb loss since June 11, 2012) and 2 lbs less than Greg!! So, I met a goal this week.

I also realized a couple of other things too. I am trying to lose weight and become physically fit again for my health, not to be in a fitness competition, not to look better than someone else, just for me and my family. Recognizing that, I also realized that while my eating has changed A LOT, I am not willing to completely forgo my life style and not occasionally enjoy going out or eating great food at cook outs. I really wanted to maintain a “real” aspect when losing weight this time and I think I am. I want to eat “good for you” food and exercise as much as I can, but not feel like I can’t enjoy an occasional treat or workout for hours a day.

I was able to fit in a few more group fitness classes last week and I team taught with my friend, Scottie. We had a blast and the class had great energy. So, at this point…I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. I would like to be at least 10-15 lbs less, but I totally realize that this last bit of weight is going to come off at a much slower pace. I was really stuck on losing 2 lbs a week, but I am scaling back and would like it now to be 1 lb. a week. However, any loss will be great. I also need to accept that I could be nearing a plateau stage. My body is pretty comfortable where it is right now (and I feel good), but if I really want to reign it in I should use the tools that I have in the past, such as journaling, so I can be TOTALLY honest about what is going in my mouth.

I’m only going to be with you all for a couple more weeks (then I leave for my week vacation to Jamaica), but I have loved my journey. If you have been on your journey for a while or you are just getting started….keep your chin up, eye on the prize, and keep on keepin’ on!


Kelly touched on a few key points from earlier this month…yes–our sharing segment was a bit overlooked due to the Labor Day Holiday weekend so we combined a 2-wk period. I also felt due to the weekend, that Kelly may have experienced a regression, as many of us are prone to experience, during any given holiday. So, what Kelly realized was that to ‘enjoy’ a holiday is a completely normal thing—healthy or not—a holiday, after all is not called a “holi-week”; it’s very temporary and easy to bounce back from! That said, she is learning too that a new lifestyle does not and should not omit ‘fun’ and the occasional cheat—Kelly is not training for the Olympics (although I used to secretly believe in high school that should could’ve been another Mary Lou Retton). Lastly, she realizes that a “tool” of success is keeping a food journal…AMEN! Even for myself, in the beginning of my personal journey, I hired a nutritionist who taught me to “write it down—EVERYthing” (gasp). Really?! Yes, really!! Just as with anything in life, we cannot change what we are not aware of and/or willing to acknowledge; it’s just that simple. Note, I say “simple”…not easy. It’s a daunting, humbling activity but critical in realizing just how badly you may be eating and/or perhaps…not enough! Good girl Kelly!

The one thing I sense is that she still has a love/hate relationship—with the scale! Folks, it’s not about that number on the scale. It’s more about inches, your body composition, how you feel; you’re energy level, and how you’re fitting in your clothes— and, to some degree, what other people are noticing about you! I’d like to see Kelly have her body fat calculated which is almost impossible to have done with 100% accuracy. But, by using any method of assessment, one usually is within a 5% range of  true body fat.

I’m working with Kelly until her birthday, October 5th; she only has 3 weeks to go and the goal will have to be not putting herself under so much pressure—as with every transformation—Rome wasn’t built in a day!





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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.