Re-energize yourself with a 1 Day Technology Fast

Do you feel like you just can’t get everything done that you need to?

Are you tired even though you get plenty of sleep?

Do you ever feel like you simply just can’t catch up on life in general?

We all go full steam ahead at an abnormally fast pace these days. Work, school, kids, friends, meetings, appointments, errands, obligations, it can take its toll over time.

Taking time for ourselves has somehow become taboo and labeled as selfish. Here is the big news folks, it’s not! If you constantly burn the candle at both ends, do you know what you end up with? – A big unhappy glob of melted wax and a charbroiled wick.

This leaves a good portion of the country feeling this way and turning to doctors to figure out why they are depressed, exhausted, or even worse, sick. The answer should be obvious – we are not taking care of ourselves.

Communication is easier and faster than ever these days. Messaging, texting, smart phones, email, you are virtually always reachable. This is a double-edged sword. When we got these devices, none of us wanted to be at everyone’s beckon call, yet that seems to be where we are headed. We hear the beep, blip, ding or other sound effect signaling that we have a message and we jump. We have literally become Pavlov’s dog.

How many messages do you get a day? How many texts? They add up to us jumping constantly to look at our devices.
You see it out in public, people in restaurants and parks, heads cocked down staring at phones – even when they are with friends. We are so busy taking pictures and posting, commenting, liking and sharing that we are not living in the moment other than through those little screens.

This false electronic reality is fun, entertaining and informative, but it is also time-consuming and draining.

If you are feeling burnt out, take just one day and do a Technology Fast.

Put your phone away
Put your tablets away
Turn off social media accounts
Take the day off of work or do this on a weekend
Let friends and family know who might worry that you are doing this. Oddly, you may be met with some opposition, ignore it. This isn’t about them, it’s about you – your peace of mind and health
Spend time doing whatever makes you happy that does not involve the above mentioned electronic devices. – go for a walk, clean your house, lunch with a friend, take a nap, meditate, go to the beach, spend time outside, you name it.

It may be hard to break the habit of reaching for your phone to check what’s going on with everyone, but I guarantee by mid-day you will be feeling more energized.

If you are in the Naples, FL area, come take a class at Monarch Wellness. We have a wide array of classes to help you relax and center.



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