Welcome Kelly!

Although it was with excitement, mixed with sorrow, that I had to let Cheryl move on, it is with joy that I now introduce another “Take Control” campaign role model—welcome aboard Kelly! The special thing about being able to work with Kelly, even though we’re in a virtual relationship today, is that we attended high school together and, thanks to Facebook, I’m extremely grateful to have many of those fellow Wolverines in my world now. I was absolutely delighted when Kelly, who had been following my life shenanigans, reached out to me about our efitfamily “Take Control” campaign!

Another tidbit about Kelly is that, in my humble opinion, she was one of the great athletes from my high school days. She was an exceptional gymnast who had the physical power and punch of personality similar to Mary Lou Retton! I adored her as a competitor as well as a person. Since those days, she’s all grown up now and created a good life for herself. But, as with the lifestyle of many a Mom, she’s been overtaken by other peoples’ schedules and activities and not enough time to ensure good, consistent eating habits. She wasn’t taught ‘how’ to eat really healthy either—and now, as she is a mom herself, she’s in an ideal place to break that cycle and educate her own children on healthy eating where that was an area that wasn’t ideal in her own upbringing. She can start that education process by being an example!

Because Kelly was an athlete, she still appreciates working out and already does several activities. The variety of boot camp classes, swimming and Pilates are a plus! However, she’s had knee issues that fortunately will be overcome with a little more time. Once we get her really moving, she already has a goal of a triathlon. So, aside from adding resistance training, my agenda for her will be primarily focusing on her food habits—and changing them for her permanently! Similar to Cheryl, I started Kelly off a few weeks ago with our ‘game plan’ and a diet only. (By the way she’s already down pounds AND inches) I did this as per the ‘baby steps’ plan and so far…so good! Kelly, like Cheryl, is determined, has a lot of self-awareness and is ready for CHANGE! Sounds like another recipe for success to me!

Her first blog is below…I’ll be publishing her second one in the next couple of days which covers her initial successes and encountered frustrations (very common over the summertime with kids out of school and social events on the calendar). Stay tuned…stay focused and get fit!


YO-YO….that is the best word to describe me and my weight loss. I think it is a fair description of my life as well. I have never been a “skinny” girl. I weighed about 130 pounds in high school at 5’ tall (so, that put me a little on the chunky side). I was pretty active as a gymnast and dancer, but I wasn’t taught very healthy eating habits at home. That is a tough nut to crack when you get older. My weight fluctuated through college (Fritos and salsa being the culprit). However, I remember one summer getting down to 122 pounds (I believe I used some pill program to help with this – not a good idea). However, I was also really watching what I ate and exercised every day after work. When I stopped taking the weight loss pills, it was then that I realized that I have to be spot on my food and exercise in order to be the size I want to be and think I should be. So…guess what happened…creep….creep…creep goes the weight.

Once I got married, my weight stabilized around 160 or so, and then I started having babies. After I had my first daughter, I got my weight down to the 130s before I got pregnant again (a year and a half later). I only gained 24 pounds again, but now I had two babies and limited time. They were little, so I was still able to make it to the gym. During this time, I became a Group Fitness Instructor and certified PT with NASM, as well as holding certifications in Pilates and Spinning. So, I am sure you are asking yourselves (as I do EVERY DAY) then why can’t she do this on her own. Well, I haven’t quite figured that out yet.

I have figured out some pieces of the puzzle, like I am lazy when it comes to preparing food, I put everyone else’s needs before mine, and I excuse away exercise to do other things I like. By 2009 (4 years after my 3rd child), my weight was close to 200 pounds. I honestly don’t even know how it happened. I knew I was buying bigger clothes, I didn’t really look at myself in pictures or mirrors (because it was depressing), but there I was…stuck again!! I started logging my food (which is the only thing that works for me). I lost 20 lbs pretty quickly. Then I started the Biggest Loser program at my gym and determined to be the winner, I stepped up my game and focus. Well, I won weighing in at 145 lbs (I think my starting weight was 174). I was excited!! Greg and I went to Jamaica that year and I felt good about myself, but looking at the pictures now, I still look big. So, once again my weight started creeping back up. I gained about 25 lbs back AGAIN – can we all shout YO-YO!

Then I saw a post of Angela’s on FB and listened to her on a radio show. I have loved Angela since high school. Even though we haven’t been in touch in over 20 years, she was a wonderful girl then (having gone through a lot herself) and I felt like this was God’s way of getting me back on track. Even the title of the program – Take Control – was exactly what I needed. So I sent a message and here we are! I am back down to 160.5, but I would like to be in the 130s (reasonably) – 120s if I were to follow the charts. Recently I was diagnosed and treated for Lymes Disease and I am still recovering from the severe arthritis I feel in my knees, so again my activity has been limited. But I am willing to try!!

My ultimate goal is to feel healthier and look healthier and figure out WHY I yo-yo. But, looking good when I hit Myrtle Beach in August and when I turn 40 in October would be an added bonus. I have run a marathon, done a few ½ marathons, so once I can run again…my next fitness goal is a triathlon. Wish me luck!




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About Angela Lee, B.A., CPT

Angela has spent 16 years in a high-profile corporate career but elected to follow her dream of educating others to take better care of themselves by becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). She's also a National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor and belongs to one of the nation's largest and successful competitive teams. Lastly, as a survivor of childhood cancer she's learned at a young age the importance of making good choices about health, maintaining a positive outlook on life and the impact both have on overall vitality long-term.