Where do you store your fat?

A recent study by the Mayo Clinic shows that whether you store “belly fat” or “booty fat” can have an impact on overall health.  We have heard for years that “belly fat” leads to a higher risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and other factors leading to metabolic syndrome.  The study conducted on 28 volunteers proves that while “booty fat” increases the number of fat cells, “belly fat” actually increases the size of existing fat cells.  An interesting point that they make, however, is that an increase in lower body fat may actually decrease developing risk factors associated with belly fat.  While more research should be conducted, I don’t condone increasing lower body fat to decrease the risks associated with belly fat!  Genetically, you can not decide where your fat goes, but get moving and try and keep up a healthy lifestyle with exercise and nutrition!

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/food/diet-nutrition/2010-10-11-fat-belly-bottom_N.htm



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