What Does Transformational Breathing® Do?


Opens and clears restricted breathing patterns producing… More energy, increased detoxification, better health, improved respiratory capacity, a strengthened immune system and more balance. Clears the subconscious mind which allows us to… Resolve stress, create the relaxation response, and permanently clear repressed emotions, such as anger, fear, anxiety, guilt and depression.  Also removes old mental tapes and programs of limitation and lack, which creates more peace, creativity and clarity.  It releases past traumas located in the cellular memory. Allows easier accessibility to … [Read more...]

Sound Therapy


The following information courtesy of Crystal Tones: www.CrystalSingingBowls.com Vibrational Sound Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the universe itself.  As long as it is vibrating, it is making some kind of sound.  We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing.  The human ear can sound vibrations between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, although we also perceive sound by skin and bone conduction, ingesting and consuming it with the whole body. Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the … [Read more...]

Laughter Medicine

laughter yoga woman

Benefits of Laughter Laughter really is the best medicine – physically, mentally, and emotionally. No prescription needed; no unpleasant side effects; it’s non-fattening, legal, and free. Get your daily dose! Laughter is a universal language, connecting and uniting people. Reduces stress, depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts and feelings Increases joyfulness, peace, and wellness Internal jogging – laughing provides a good massage to all internal organs, especially the intestines, improving blood supply, and helping the bowels move properly Strengthens the immune system and … [Read more...]