Preparing Children for a Move


Moving requires much planning and preparation.  The natural to-do list includes gathering moving boxes, sorting through clutter, packing, researching the new location, informing others of new address, etc.  Whether short or long-distance, it is important to prepare children for a relocation.  Here are some helpful tips to consider: 1. Be as specific as possible (and age-appropriate) with your explanation of the moving process.  This includes: Wait until your move is definite before you inform your children to avoid confusion. Take them to visit the new home or city prior to the actual … [Read more...]

3 P’s for Business Survival


  Taking the leap of faith to start a business is frightening, exhilarating, exhausting, and rewarding, all in the same breath.  Here are some helpful tips for entrepreneurs, whether you are in the initial dream stage or in the process of living out that dream:   Patience Someone once reminded me “Rome wasn’t built overnight.”  On a much smaller scale, the same principle holds true for building a business.  Without continued patience, you and your business will not be able to withstand the frustrations, challenges, and unexpected detours that will cross your path.  If … [Read more...]

When It May Be Time for Couples Therapy…

couple beach

"Love is like a butterfly. Hold it too loose and it will fly away. Hold it too tight and it will crush." ~ Midnight Train "Don't smother each other.  No one can grow in the shade." ~ Leo Buscaglia Relationships are challenging.  When the conflicts outweigh the joy, connection feels like just a memory, or the tension impacts the children in more and more unhealthy may be time to consider couples therapy.  On the flip side, many couples decide to seek pre-marital counseling from a preventative standpoint to prepare for a life-long union and build a healthy, supportive, … [Read more...]

Healing in the Sand

sand tray

"Often the hands know how to solve a riddle with which the intellect has wrestled in vain."  ~ Carl Jung One form of play therapy  is sand tray.  This is a safe way for clients of all ages to find some control over their lives in a healthy way.   Sand tray, or sand play as some models refer to it, allows a safe and contained space for the builder to create a world in the sand by selecting and placing different images representing real or imaginary people, places, or concepts in the sand.     Clients can choose from any of the miniatures representing the real and imaginary world in which … [Read more...]