Letter from the Editor: National Youth Sports Safety Month

sports month

Thank you for joining us on a journey of simple steps for healthier living…for you, your children, and the next generation.  We are all aware that children are sponges soaking up every aspect of their environments and following their parents’ model of living.  What are your goals for your children as they move through childhood into adolescence and eventually adulthood?  If your hope is for your child to live a happy and healthy life as an adult, are you modeling happiness and health? One step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle is physical activity.  If you’re concerned about the … [Read more...]

The Obstacle is the Path


There is a Zen proverb I love that says “the obstacle is the path.” When I was in my teacher training with Baron Baptiste, he would often say, “That which blocks your path is your path,” which essentially means the same thing. This is a worthy concept to consider, and I've been reminding my students, and myself, of it quite often. In yoga class and in life, we encounter many obstacles. On our path to happiness, or losing ten pounds, or a more peaceful relationship with our family - whatever we are seeking - we all encounter blocks along the way. We keep getting smacked in the head with our … [Read more...]