Summer Vacation Planning

Smiling happy family on beach.

Summer vacation is almost upon us, and it is a wonderful time of the year. Time to sleep in for some and time for valuable family time. Whether a vacation is planned or a stay-cation, kids and parents get to play together and create wonderful memories and cement bonds. For some families summer vacation can mean stress. How do I fill the hours? Who will watch the kids while I'm at work? It's important to sit down as a family and discuss these issues. No one person should have to shoulder this responsibility alone. Of course with very young children their participation is limited, but at any … [Read more...]

¿Como Reconocer una Relación Tóxica?

couple beach

Una relación sana está compuesta de confianza, intimidad, amor, respeto, buena comunicación y honestidad. Hay muchos otros factores involucrados, pero podemos decir que esos son los básicos. Sin embargo, tambien sabemos que las relaciones son difíciles y requiere el esfuerzo de ambos para crecer. ¿Cómo podemos distinguir una relación sana con problemas "normales" de una relación que es tóxica y drenante?  Y, ¿Cuando las acciones de su pareja cruzan de insaludable a francamente abusiva? Las siguientes señales avisan que es el momento de evaluar: Comunicación Pasiva-agresiva: Muchas veces … [Read more...]

How to Recognize a Toxic Relationship


A healthy relationship is made of trust, intimacy, love, mutual respect, good communication, and honesty. There are many other factors involved, but we can say that these are the most basic. However, we also know that relationships are difficult and require effort from both partners to grow. How can we distinguish a healthy relationship with “normal” issues from a relationship that is toxic and draining? And when do your partner’s actions cross over from unhealthy to downright abusive? Here are some signs that tell you it’s time to re-evaluate: Passive- aggressive communication: Many … [Read more...]

Squeezed In Between: The Sandwich Generation


The Sandwich Generation is a phrase coined by Carol Abaya but has gained such common use that it is listed in the dictionary.  It generally refers to those members of society who are raising children and caring for an elderly parent.  For statisticians it often means women between the ages of 45 and 56, although increasingly more men are participating in the process. This is not a new phenomenon; adult children have long cared for aging parents while raising children.  In my own experience, my father’s mother lived with my aunt and her family after her second husband passed away. She was in … [Read more...]