Like attracts Like – What are you inviting into your life?


Do you live in a mode of gratitude? Do you take the time to sit back and evaluate your life and really realize just how lucky you are? “Who me? I’m not lucky…” you may be thinking. That simply isn’t true. We all have things we can be thankful for… Our health Our friends Our pets Maybe the place we live or a person in our life A favorite restaurant The smell of your favorite flower A good glass of wine The freedom to go outside and feel the wind in our hair To live in a place with year-round sunshine and on and on… Sit down and make a list … [Read more...]

The #1 thing you can do for your health

With so many fads and trends that come and go in the health and wellness industry, one time-tested proven fact holds true. Stress can make you physically ill. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 75% of all health problems brought to doctors is Emotional Stress-Related. We all have stress. Stress (a certain level of pressure) can be healthy and motivational. It can propel us towards being deadline oriented, organized and successful. But when stressors are too numerous and come at you from too many directions at once you can start to feel overwhelmed. That sense of … [Read more...]

Not getting what you want is sometimes a blessing in disguise


Stop for a moment to imagine what your life would be like if you got everything you had ever wanted. At first thought, I am sure that makes you smile pretty widely. I mean, who doesn’t want everything they have ever wanted, right? I can almost guarantee you don’t. Think back over the course of your life. Start with wishes from childhood. “I wish I didn’t have to learn math”, “I wish my parents would stay together”, “I wish I never had homework.” Even with just those 3 simple requests – Where would that have landed you? You wouldn’t be as smart or capable as you are now … [Read more...]

Goals are great, but what about NOW?


It seems every self-help guru under the sun these days wants to point you to setting goals. Goals are wonderful, we all need a direction. The problem comes in that many people take that to the extreme. They become so goal oriented and focused on what they desperately want to happen way in the future that life is zooming right by them day after day and they are not able to be present in their daily life, enjoying the here and now. Slow Down Breathe Look around Take time to appreciate what’s good in your life already If you aren’t doing these things on a regular basis, you … [Read more...]