Preventing Eating Disorders In Children


National Eating Disorders Awareness week is Feb 20th - 26th.  Unfortunately, eating disorders and body image issues can be found amongst all ages.  One of the questions that I often ask children during my initial therapy assessment is “Do you think you need to lose or gain weight?”  The amount of children who say yes is astounding, and those that say yes usually state they feel overweight or need to diet, even if they appear an average weight. Certainly, obesity, over-eating, and unhealthy eating are concerns especially in the United States…however, just as much attention must be given to … [Read more...]

Why Not “Just Do It”?

It sounds so easy, right? Just do it. Nothing to it. If so, why do so few New Year's resolutions last until Valentine's Day? Or even the second week of January? Why do they fall by the wayside so easily for the vast majority of people? Of course, there are many reasons, but there are a few that must be addressed before any hope of lasting change can be achieved. After all, that's what we're after, right? We want transformation of our bodies, health, life, marriage, finances, etc. And we want it NOW! For most people who make impassioned resolutions during the emotional time as another … [Read more...]

Yoga Resolution: Study Proves Positive Effects on Mood


A recent study by the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) found that yoga has a more positive impact on mood, including reduced anxiety and depression, than other forms of exercise.  The study included two randomized groups of approximately 35 individuals who were assigned to participate in either one hour of yoga or walking three times a week.  Those who participated in yoga demonstrated significantly increased brain gamma aminobutyric (GABA) levels.  Individuals with low GABA levels have been found to exhibit depression and anxiety related issues.  Participants were also asked to … [Read more...]

How to Stay Healthy in a Hectic Environment


Who doesn’t have a hectic life? Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day? Do you know you need to make some changes but don’t know exactly what to do? How do you find the time to squeeze “it” in during your busy day??? With our careers, family, and commitments we have to take care of every day, sometimes taking care of ourselves gets forgotten or put on the back burner. Our productivity is effected the more stressed out we get. We are so much more productive in our personal and professional lives when we take care of ourselves. Ok so that sounds great and … [Read more...]