Goal Setting and Developing Healthy Habits for the New Year


When embarking on a healthy lifestyle change, it is very importance to have a set of goals in place. The purpose of goal setting is simple: to ensure clarity of vision. Clarity of vision is a key to any process as it enables those involved to behave in an efficient and effective manner. If our mission is unclear we run the risk of being distracted, procrastinating, or quitting half way through. However, if a goal is set, we know what we are doing, where we are headed, and why we are putting forth the effort. It is critical for goals to be achievable. Many of the goals that we set for … [Read more...]

How to Stay Healthy in a Hectic Environment


Who doesn’t have a hectic life? Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day? Do you know you need to make some changes but don’t know exactly what to do? How do you find the time to squeeze “it” in during your busy day??? With our careers, family, and commitments we have to take care of every day, sometimes taking care of ourselves gets forgotten or put on the back burner. Our productivity is effected the more stressed out we get. We are so much more productive in our personal and professional lives when we take care of ourselves. Ok so that sounds great and … [Read more...]