The Real Story Behind Organic Eggs

This egg-cellent video produced by the Cornucopia Institute shows graphically the difference in humanely, organically farmed chickens, and those in egg production houses. In the video, it mentions purchasing local family-farmed eggs at the Farmer's Market. This is just another example of how your local Farmer's Market supports the age-old tradition of family farms, and helps your friends and neighbors sustain their way of life! Click the link below to view the video: Scrambled Eggs ***************************** … [Read more...]

Healthy eating into the holidays!

friends at a restaurant

We are coming up on the wonderful but often dreaded holiday season when it comes to weight struggles.  With holiday parties, big family meals, and food gifts it is hard not to put on that typical 5-10 pounds over the holidays. Going into Thanksgiving, remember that it is ONE meal on ONE day.  Thanksgiving should not last all week long as far as your eating is concerned.  Leftovers are great and I suggest using them, but be conscious of the leftovers that you choose.  You can use leftover turkey and vegetables to create a great meal.  Apple pie…not so much! If you decide to treat yourself, … [Read more...]