My Passion for Fitness

Fitness is such a huge part of my life and is a passion of mine. I believe that overall health and fitness are such important elements to complete happiness. Many families today have so many daily tasks that exercise and family nutrition gets put aside, and is not a top priority. This one fact is what has given me the passion to change everyday families’ outlook on this important concept. I myself have been guilty of this until I discovered what an immense difference eating a clean diet and getting daily exercise in could do for me and my family. I realized I became a better spouse, parent, daughter, friend and co-worker!

Family health and fitness is a lifestyle change and it takes time for us busy families to be successful in our endeavors on changing our day to day habits. With consistency and dedication it can be fun and give your family an element of positivity where you come together and spend time. Whether it be by preparing your weekly meals together and baking clean recipes with your children or going for a weekly hike. It not only improves your relationships but also your health.

So why am I so passionate about this, well because I personally have made this change in my life and would love nothing more than to show others how they too can benefit from improving health/fitness in their family. I am devoted to help others make a positive change in their lives. I am so honored to be in the position I am in and inspire so many. In return I want those who I inspire to know that it is their daily compliments that inspire me as well.

I seek to help others implement changes into their daily lifestyle. I plan to share my knowledge with others and also gain new insight from everyday people and the challenges they have. My goal is to make a positive change in people’s lives through the gift of health. I will continue to strive in reaching my goal in the industry as a fitness competitor and helping spread my knowledge to others as well!



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About Amber Day, RDH, CPT

Amber Day is a 27 year old Dental Hygienist, personal trainer, fitness model, National level bikini competitor and mother of a beautiful 8 year old daughter. Her life is quite a busy one! She currently resides in a small town in New Mexico where she practices public health dental hygiene and trains for her shows. She finds living in a small town the perfect place to be to raise her daughter and be able to focus on her contest prep. She is a very outgoing person that hopes to inspire other moms and families through her knowledge, persistence, determination and dedication. You can reach Amber at