Holding on to excess weight


Yo-Yo dieting has become almost the norm for American society. We go on a diet, lose some weight and get into a “health kick”. We feel good! It is hard to maintain, though, due to restrictions, time and life in general. Many of us slide back into old routines and eventually back to our old weight if not even gaining a little more than where we first started. It can be a frustrating experience.   Excess weight can be influenced by a number of factors including nutrition, environment, lifestyle, hormone levels and even by inner beliefs we may or may not know we hold. According to … [Read more...]

Foods and Breast Cancer


October is breast cancer awareness month. As a dietitian I am frequently asked what measures can be taken to decrease the risk of cancer. The truth is no special food or diet can prevent you from getting breast cancer, or cure your cancer if you have been diagnosed. However, some foods can help reduce risk. As with most disease there are risk factors that are controllable and others that are not. The non-controllable risk factors associated with breast cancer are: family history, genetics, gender as women are nearly 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer then men, risk increases … [Read more...]

Staying Well


It’s important to build our immune systems so that we can show up for all the things we do. A regular supplement program supervised by your nutritionist or nurse practitioner is a valuable individualized plan that keeps you operating at your optimum functioning level. This can change as you strengthen and need different or fewer things depending on quality of nutrition that can create wellness. For example, be sure you’re not eating things to which you’re unknowingly allergic--simple blood tests can determine this. Good habits help us to stay well and exercising discipline early on so … [Read more...]