About Karyn Capozzo, RD, LD, CDE

Karyn Capozzo is a Registered, Licensed Dietitian in Bonita Springs, Florida. Karyn graduated from the University of Florida and completed her internship in dietetics with Cornell Medical Center in 1997. Since then she has had a diverse career ranging from clinical dietetics on a burn unit at Grady Memorial Hospital to a private practice promoting healthy lifestyles with proper nutrition and exercise. More information about Karyn and her practice can be found online: www.appleadaylife.com

Healthy Holiday Nutrition


The holiday season is a challenge when you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. This is the time of year from Thanksgiving to New Years when we have tempting goodies and foods we normally don’t eat. Not only are we making choices we would normally not, but we are also eating more than the norm. So how can we make it through the holiday season without too much weight gain and maintain some healthy choices? These ten tips for Healthy Holiday Nutrition will help: Don’t skip meals. Think of the holiday season as you would any other day of the year. Each day should begin with a … [Read more...]

Eliminate Fast Food

Fast Food

Our fast paced world is sometimes a challenge when it comes to meal planning. Busy parents often spend their evenings driving children to practices, school functions and study groups. This makes getting a healthy home cooked meal a challenge and many parents and busy professionals turn to fast food as the answer. It’s easy to just dash through the drive through or call the pizza delivery guy but that’s not best for our health! So how can we eliminate fast food? Seems impossible to many, but here are some ideas to help: Plan ahead. When you have a game plan or in this case meal plan … [Read more...]

Foods and Breast Cancer


October is breast cancer awareness month. As a dietitian I am frequently asked what measures can be taken to decrease the risk of cancer. The truth is no special food or diet can prevent you from getting breast cancer, or cure your cancer if you have been diagnosed. However, some foods can help reduce risk. As with most disease there are risk factors that are controllable and others that are not. The non-controllable risk factors associated with breast cancer are: family history, genetics, gender as women are nearly 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer then men, risk increases … [Read more...]

Back to School Food Tips for Teens


Back to school is very exciting for kids of every age. Buying new school cloths and supplies but what we usually forget to plan for is how we eat! I interviewed several teens for this article to learn more about their habits and what they want to know about eating healthier. So for all you teens that are getting ready to head back to school don’t forget the most important school supply of all food! Fuel your brain and body right with good foods! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t miss it. I was not surprised to hear that most teenagers miss breakfast during the … [Read more...]