Cómo librarte de comportamientos que sabotean tus metas


“Sé lo que tengo que hacer pero algo no me deja hacerlo” Esta es una frase que muchos de nosotros hemos dicho y es la frase de personas que constantemente tienen patrones de pensamiento y comportamientos no deseados. También se le conoce como comportamiento autodestructivo ya que en algunos casos puede llegar a serlo.  Le llamaremos comportamiento no deseado. Estos comportamientos no deseados son acciones, actitudes y patrones de comportamiento consientes y no consientes que sabotean el deseo que tiene la persona de lograr sus metas o que no lo dejan vivir de acuerdo a sus verdaderos valores … [Read more...]

Newsbite: Meditation Reduces Heart Disease


A recent study found that the practice of meditation reduced cardiac disease risk by nearly 50%.  During the nine year study, 201 African American men and women, average age 59 years and identified with narrowing cardiovascular arteries, were randomly assigned to either practice a form of meditation or participate in a control group which received health education classes including topics of diet and exercise.  The meditation group practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM) twenty minutes twice a day.  Results included 47% reduction in death, heart attacks, and strokes in the participants who … [Read more...]

Preventing Eating Disorders In Children


National Eating Disorders Awareness week is Feb 20th - 26th.  Unfortunately, eating disorders and body image issues can be found amongst all ages.  One of the questions that I often ask children during my initial therapy assessment is “Do you think you need to lose or gain weight?”  The amount of children who say yes is astounding, and those that say yes usually state they feel overweight or need to diet, even if they appear an average weight. Certainly, obesity, over-eating, and unhealthy eating are concerns especially in the United States…however, just as much attention must be given to … [Read more...]

Interval Training for Fat Loss

We have always been told that we have to burn fat as fuel to see any results in losing weight. We are told to exercise in our “fat burning zone” to burn fat as fuel. Exercise Physiologist Dr Jarrod Meerkin, a spokesperson for Exercise and Sports Science Australia,  says it doesn’t matter what type of fuel we are burning i.e. carbohydrates or fat, more importantly is the number of kilojoules burnt. Interval training is the most productive method of burning more kilojoules. Meekin says that all forms of cardio exercise are beneficial for weight loss but alternating sprints with a slower pace … [Read more...]