American Diabetes Month

family park

November is American Diabetes Month.  The timing could not be more perfect considering the month begins as Halloween candy consumption time!  We hope to motivate you to take small preventive steps for your family.  Like many health issues, the 3 main ways to prevent any of the 3 types of diabetes are healthy eating, exercise, and maintaining an appropriate weight.  Although there could be some genetic predisposition to the disease, our focus is on simple practical changes you can implement today to prevent diabetes and other health issues. If you or someone you know has already been … [Read more...]

Weight Loss For Diabetes Prevention


Diabetes has become an epidemic in this country and is a disease that has become somewhat second nature to people because we hear so much about it so often. According to “25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes’’ (1). This statistic is astounding! For those of us whom are fortunate enough not to have this disease we must not loss focus the importance of not developing it either. Weight lose is of utmost importance in the prevention of diabetes! Physical activity and weight loss help the body respond better to insulin. By losing … [Read more...]

Guilt Free Holiday Season

Christmas Dinner

Well that time of year has come upon us so soon. With Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays just around the corner and the colder weather approaching, it is common practice for many of us to indulge ourselves with the festive season food. Holidays are a time of relaxing and spending time with family and friends. I don’t think you should feel deprived of enjoying the food that is on offer at this time of year. If you have read many of my other articles, you will know that I do not endorse dieting. The more someone tells you to not eat something, the more likely you are to crave that food and … [Read more...]