What is a Holistic Nutritionist?

holistic nutritionist

A Certified Holistic Nutritionist is an individual trained in healing the body with whole, non-processed, non-GMO foods. They are prepared to coach you on the best eating habits, improve your relationship with food, assist with healthier food choices, and create a customized diet for you. The foods that a Holistic Nutritionist will recommend for the wellbeing of your health are chemical-free, whole foods. These foods are well balanced in their vitamins and minerals. They are not stripped of their nutrients or refined, rather they are in their whole, natural state so your body can utilize … [Read more...]

Transformational Breath®

Breathe breath woman fresh calm deep air

"Transformational Breath® is a powerful self-healing breath work modality that integrates and heals on every level of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Using a FULL connected breathing pattern Transformational Breath brings awareness and life-force into the entire body, clears mental tapes, integrates suppressed feelings (imprints) stored in the subconscious, and enhances the connection to and experience of Presence. The intentions of Transformational Breath are multifaceted and begin with the facilitator’s intention to support the overall intentions of the process, … [Read more...]

Communication and Boundaries in Intimate Relationships (Part 2 of 3)

Senior Couple Relaxing At Home

Last time we reviewed how intimate relationships form and how in the glow of a new relationship habits can form that inhibit the development of good boundaries and effective communication. This time we will look at how to develop good boundaries. Developing good boundaries in an intimate relationship requires being able to stand apart from ourselves and the relationship and see the big picture. We used to call this process. developing the observing ego. This means developing the part of ourselves that isn’t entangled in all of the projection and introjection that we do to protect ourselves … [Read more...]