The Benefits of Integrative Wellness

monarch wellness

Our physical health does not exist in a bubble. The mind, body, spirit connection is the trifecta of overall wellbeing and optimal health. In modern day life we are so scheduled and so rushed all of the time with appointments, social engagements, work, school, family, friends, we barely have time to sleep let alone consider self-care as anything more than a luxury. This is problematic thinking. Somehow taking the time to take care of ourselves has been labeled as selfish. The truth of the matter is that if you do not take care of yourself and put yourself first, at least once in a … [Read more...]

September is National Yoga Month! Naples Yoga Classes

naples yoga classes

Yes, it is the month that we here at Monarch Wellness just LOVE! September is National Yoga Month. We believe in taking that special time for yourself by doing something healthy and learning new skills. Naples yoga classes give you the opportunity to do both. And meet some new friends! Those who are not knowledgeable on the topic of yoga might think that we just stand in different poses and stare into space. Well, it is not like that at all. It can actually be very rigorous exercise and engage muscles that you did not know even existed. And that “staring into space”? That is actually … [Read more...]

Positive Behavior Family Program in Naples

positive behavior

Is there such a thing as the “perfect” family? No, there is not. Families are composed of different personalities all working together to create a life that is successful and happy. Sometimes, those personalities do not interact well with each other. Other times, external influences can create discord between family members. The key to living free of a stressful family life is by communicating and working together through situations and personality differences. When this becomes difficult, a family program that encourages positive behavior is beneficial to everyone involved. A positive … [Read more...]

Yoga Classes Build Strength & Flexibility

yoga classes

Trainers and coaches from many disciplines of physical fitness look to yoga classes for additional strength and flexibility. Most gym-related strength training shortens muscles through weight lifting and repetitions. Over time, this continual contracting of the muscles reduces movement of the joint. By incorporating yoga training into their routine, these athletes can begin to heal the muscle through lengthening and flexibility. Yoga postures require you to hold your own body weight, which will build muscle. It is not the type of muscle that a bodybuilder is trying to achieve through … [Read more...]