Aromatherapy… Ahhhhh


Aromatherapy may be thought of by most as a luxury spa experience when it should be considered a daily practice that can heal, solidify and strengthen your health. Aromatherapy is the art of using of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils to boost health and or mood. They are often used in massage, applied directly or mixed with carrier oils. They may also be dripped into an infuser allowing the molecules to be released into the air so they can be breathed in. Both can have relaxing and purifying effects. Essential oils are more than relaxing, they are “essential” - Dual meaning: They … [Read more...]

2 Simple Statements Can Make Your Divorce Less Agonizing


Divorce is never a walk in the park. It’s more like a trek through a dark jungle of contorted emotions and fears without any light to find your way or see your truth. Regardless of whether or not you initiated the breakup, you feel a sense of disconnection, disruption, and abject terror. You wonder if you’ll ever feel good again Will the see-saw of moods and run-away thoughts ever again allow you to sleep soundly or think clearly? You question your own self-worth. Will you be able to navigate the world alone and manage to raise your kids? Uncertainty takes over. Will real love ever be … [Read more...]

Guided Transformation is Possible


We can reach points in our lives where we feel stagnant and hopeless. It may feel like no one can help and you have reached a place you can't make it back from. Our lives are a series of choices much like a choose your own adventure novel. Some choices we regret and some are thrust upon us by others and by the course of life itself. There is no magic rewind button. What we do have is the power to decide to accept responsibility for where we are today and to make whatever changes are necessary in order to take control of our lives back. Needing help is viewed as weakness by some. The truth … [Read more...]