2 Simple Statements Can Make Your Divorce Less Agonizing


Divorce is never a walk in the park. It’s more like a trek through a dark jungle of contorted emotions and fears without any light to find your way or see your truth. Regardless of whether or not you initiated the breakup, you feel a sense of disconnection, disruption, and abject terror. You wonder if you’ll ever feel good again Will the see-saw of moods and run-away thoughts ever again allow you to sleep soundly or think clearly? You question your own self-worth. Will you be able to navigate the world alone and manage to raise your kids? Uncertainty takes over. Will real love ever be … [Read more...]

Sound Relaxation and Guided Meditation


Sound Relaxation and Guided Relaxation are other forms of Meditation.  Meditation on its own in the dead space of silence can be difficult without practice. One of the goals of meditation is to clear your active mind of thought, allowing the space for your mind, body, and spirit to simply let go, relax and be.   Often when people first start out, lots of random thoughts will pop into their head as they sit or lay comfortably. Focusing on your breathing does help, but having something tangible to concentrate on such as music or spoken word can make the process far … [Read more...]