Guided Transformation is Possible


We can reach points in our lives where we feel stagnant and hopeless. It may feel like no one can help and you have reached a place you can't make it back from. Our lives are a series of choices much like a choose your own adventure novel. Some choices we regret and some are thrust upon us by others and by the course of life itself. There is no magic rewind button. What we do have is the power to decide to accept responsibility for where we are today and to make whatever changes are necessary in order to take control of our lives back. Needing help is viewed as weakness by some. The truth … [Read more...]

Don’t Just Deal with Stress – Eliminate it!


In a world filled with alarm clocks, rush hour traffic, deadlines that must be met, bills to pay and mouths to feed - multitasking, sleep deprivation and stress have become the norm. Everyone has “one of those days” once in a while. But when stress invades and takes over your world becoming a way of life something needs to change. The human body was not meant to operate on coffee and adrenaline on a daily basis. This type of fast pace high-pressure lifestyle takes its toll on your health, your emotional and spiritual well-being as well as your relationships. What is stress? – Stress is any … [Read more...]

Couples Therapy – Can it really work?


If you are a couple, initially you came together because you liked one another. Eventually, you grew to love one another. Things happen in the course of life that can fracture a relationship and cause people to grow apart, or at least feel that they are. If you have begun to question whether a relationship is worth holding on to and trying to repair versus just letting it go, being alone or starting over again, no one can answer that for you, but if love remains couples therapy may be an option. Couples therapy offers the two involved parties a neutral middle ground. Someone impartial who … [Read more...]

Get Balanced By Getting Back To Nature


Society, in general, is spending less and less time outdoors. We are surrounded by technology and spend hour upon hour staring at the screens on our devices. It is important for our wellbeing to pull ourselves from that hyper focused state and take the time to set them aside, stand up, stretch and go outside. Spending time in nature has numerous benefits including: Improved health Spending time in nature can help your body heal itself. Spending time outside can help you to reconnect, mind - body, and soul. Fresh air, increased movement, feelings of relaxation all can encourage healing from … [Read more...]