Re-energize yourself with a 1 Day Technology Fast

Black smartphone with QR code app on white background. EPS 8 vector cleanly built with no open shapes or strokes. Grouped and ordered in layers for easy editing.

Do you feel like you just can’t get everything done that you need to? Are you tired even though you get plenty of sleep? Do you ever feel like you simply just can’t catch up on life in general? We all go full steam ahead at an abnormally fast pace these days. Work, school, kids, friends, meetings, appointments, errands, obligations, it can take its toll over time. Taking time for ourselves has somehow become taboo and labeled as selfish. Here is the big news folks, it’s not! If you constantly burn the candle at both ends, do you know what you end up with? – A big unhappy … [Read more...]

Forgiveness ‘vs’ Allowance


The concepts of forgiveness and allowance are frequently intermixed and mixed up entirely. Throughout our lives, there is no doubt that people in our worlds will put us through trials and tribulations. Some to the point where it will make us incredibly angry and push us to our limits. When someone hurts you, the easy thing is to transfer that anger and hurt into hate. To want to hurt them back and make them feel as badly as you do. The saying “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” holds true. Hurting someone back, though temporarily gratifying, isn’t going to fix anything, and … [Read more...]

The Physical Effects of Meditation


Often discussed are the spiritual and emotional benefits of meditation. But what about the actual scientific proof of how it can benefit you in your physical body? While the medical community all agrees that meditation should not be used as a stand-alone therapy or replacement for medical care, even the Mayo Clinic believes that it can be a useful addition to other treatments and may help with: Sleep problems Anxiety disorders Depression Asthma Cancer Heart disease High blood pressure Pain HIV Psoriasis There have been over 3,000 scientific studies on the benefits of … [Read more...]

Are you living your life for you?


The daily grind can wear us down. Routine, day in and day out, kids, spouses, family, friends, social commitments, work engagements, pets to care for – it is no doubt busy and at times overwhelming. Life in American society has never been faster paced. Technology keeps us tethered to one another more than ever before in previous generations. Gone are the days of letter writing, even phone calls are waning. The convenience of emails, texts, and messages delivered and responded to in an instant are the new norm. These advancements are amazing and wonderful, but they also keep you at the … [Read more...]