Severed Connections

severed connections

Love is the strongest bond and the highest vibratory level. During the course of our lifetime, we have encounters and form relationships with many different people. This includes family, friends, and lovers. All of them are loved in their own way. The list of reasons relationships may come to an end is virtually endless and incredibly personal. Sometimes separation is unavoidable, however painful. No two relationships are the same as no two humans are the same, therefore what you experience with someone will be unlike anything that can be replicated. Though you may miss the cherished … [Read more...]

The Value of Talk Therapy

talk therapy

Psychotherapy over the years has had a stigma attached to it as if patients must have “something wrong” with them if they need to see a psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. This is not necessarily the case. Living a human existence means that at some point in your life you are very likely to feel overwhelmed. Talking to someone who is qualified to help you sort out life issues doesn’t mean somethings wrong with you. It means you are making a healthy decision to progress. Talk therapy does more than just give you someone who will listen, it helps you to work towards solutions to … [Read more...]

Don’t Allow Fear to Stop You


“What you fear the most will come to you.” This proverb is found originally in the Bible (Jeremiah 42) and has been rehashed over and over throughout the years by sages, Wisemen, authors, and motivational speakers. Fear and worry are driving factors in many people’s lives. Both are a misuse of the imagination. Imagination and thoughts are power. The truth of the matter isn’t that just what you fear the most will come to you… It’s that whatever you focus on - good or bad will have a tendency to manifest in your life. The beauty is that once you understand this you realize that you are in … [Read more...]

Aromatherapy… Ahhhhh


Aromatherapy may be thought of by most as a luxury spa experience when it should be considered a daily practice that can heal, solidify and strengthen your health. Aromatherapy is the art of using of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils to boost health and or mood. They are often used in massage, applied directly or mixed with carrier oils. They may also be dripped into an infuser allowing the molecules to be released into the air so they can be breathed in. Both can have relaxing and purifying effects. Essential oils are more than relaxing, they are “essential” - Dual meaning: They … [Read more...]