Kelly’s Week 12—BUT not final!

Kelly’s Blog – Week 12 Hi everyone! Hope you have had a great week. I have! So, at the beginning of the last blog I told you I met my goal of weighing less than Greg and this week…I still weigh less than Greg. So, what happens when you reach a goal? You need to set a new goal. So, I have been thinking about what my next goal should be and I decided to work on a couple of them. I would like to be able to do 50 pushups in a row on my toes and I would like to have my BMI (Body Mass Index) in the normal range by the end of the year. So, that gives me until about Christmas time to work on these … [Read more...]

Kelly’s Weeks 10 & 11

Kelly’s Blog – Weeks 10 & 11 So, it has been a couple of weeks since I have checked in. Although school started for us at the end of August, full activity schedules started last week. We also had lots of social events happening, including a party at our house on Labor Day. I was a little discouraged after Labor Day weekend, as I was up a couple of pounds from the week before. I don’t think it was completely that I over ate. I think some of it was water retention from too much salty food, etc. I still exercised a lot that week, including redoing the landscaping of my entire yard. So…last … [Read more...]

Kelly’s Week 8

half on scales

Kelly’s Blog – Week 8 This week has been average. Probably more like most weeks in my life and what my upcoming weeks will also look like with school starting back. We (the family) had a lot of errands getting ready for school to start (and our regular activity schedule is outrageous). I exercised some, but not as much as when I was on vacation and I did not get in my weight training like I had been doing. But…it happens, right? So, you just try better the next week and that is what I am doing. I did still lose 1.5 pounds, so my new total loss is 17.2. Yay me! I did eat out a little more … [Read more...]

Kelly’s Week 7

Kelly’s Blog – Week 7 15.7 pounds….means I lost 1.8 pounds on vacation (10 days), while enjoying myself and eating dessert!! But, I did learn a few things about myself. I missed my scale. Yep – I said it. The scal-o-holic missed her scale….but, I missed it because I use it as a tool to keep me on track. Not to mention, knowing I have to check in with Angela and the blog also keeps me on track. I did eat too many desserts and didn’t feel real great about it (even when I was doing it); however, I just seemed to keep doing it anyway. Don’t get me wrong, it tasted good, but I need to learn to … [Read more...]