2012 Week 7

Cheryl has experienced what I believe to be a few key “Ah-Ha” moments this past week…1) Persistency AND patience pays off—big time, 2) Dieting and exercising are a part of a healthy lifestyle – not a quick fix for a single event and 3) Even a little bit of help can go a long way and make an important difference in someone’s health and fitness goals. We’re 7 weeks into the 12 week process. Cheryl not only experienced a set back from a self-inflicted injury which took her about 2 weeks out of the gym, she overcame the frustration of that setback, is 12 pounds less on the scale, feeling more … [Read more...]

2012 Week 6

This week’s blog is about "coming back to life"....I’m not gonna lie, the only part of my body that is not sore are my fingers (thankfully because I have to type this wonderful blog!!! LOL). This week I finally got clearance from my doctor to work out again (thank God!!!).  I was given a new food plan by my ever patient and wonderful trainer, Angela. And I am loving it because I get to eat watermelon...it’s the little things that please me!  This week has been challenging workout-wise. My wrist is feeling pretty good but my knee is still not too pleased with her klutzy owner!!! I’ve completed … [Read more...]

2012 Weeks 4 & 5


This week I was trying to collect my thoughts on what to blog about and the words kept escaping me. This is not a position I often find myself in (just ask my closest friends...LOL). Maybe it’s because I’m not allowed to do hardly ANYTHING!!!!! No lifting weights, cardio (ok, yes, walk on treadmill at speeds that I can even hear the treadmill saying, "Are you kidding me????" Sorry, I digress...I’ll put the hats and horns away because that was the extent of my pity party for the week. As you may have guessed I’m still on the mend. Every time I tried to test my knee this week my body has … [Read more...]

Ten simple changes to help your family be healthier


Today as so many things are changing it can be a challenge to have a healthy family. Often times the simplest changes can be the most challenge but also the most important. These 10 simple essential can help you change your family's lifestyle so that you can all become fit and healthy. 1) Eat Whole Grain Foods Processed and refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, cereal, pasta, and other foods made with white flour have a high glycemic index, low amounts of fiber, and less vitamins and minerals as foods made with whole grains. Making the switch to whole grain foods, including … [Read more...]