Exercise For A Healthy Heart

Participating in any type of regular physical activity that gets your heart beating faster will strengthen the heart muscle and help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce the chance of depression. A stronger heart means the blood is pumped more efficiently through the body which also helps increase the “good” cholesterol levels ( HDL) and lower the “bad” cholesterol levels (LDL). There are many other positive benefits from exercising as well: Strengthen your cardiovascular system. Improve your circulation and help your body use … [Read more...]

Anabolic Steroids, Exercise and the Heart…

As a drug-free-for-life professional bodybuilder I made the decision very early on to pursue my physique goals without the aid of anabolic steroids. I began weight training at age sixteen, and competed in and won my first competition just a few months shy of my 20th birthday. It was right after winning this title, The Natural Mr. Eastern USA, that I became even more serious about my bodybuilding pursuits. I started to talk with every high-level bodybuilder at my gym (and there were many), about what I needed to do to take things to the next level. One particular subject was brought up again … [Read more...]

Why Not “Just Do It”?

It sounds so easy, right? Just do it. Nothing to it. If so, why do so few New Year's resolutions last until Valentine's Day? Or even the second week of January? Why do they fall by the wayside so easily for the vast majority of people? Of course, there are many reasons, but there are a few that must be addressed before any hope of lasting change can be achieved. After all, that's what we're after, right? We want transformation of our bodies, health, life, marriage, finances, etc. And we want it NOW! For most people who make impassioned resolutions during the emotional time as another … [Read more...]

Ladies, Are You Eating Enough Protein?

Ladies, are you eating enough protein? That’s right – are you eating enough? Many women shy away from consuming multiple meals with protein. It can be an inconvenience to find and/or prepare but it’s so important to overall weight management. The majority of my clients – overweight or not – are under eaters. They tend to count calories (quantity) versus nutrients (quality)…big difference! They generally don’t eat 1,200 calories daily and if you’re not taking in enough calories to support the basic functions of your body at rest, your metabolism will slow down. The body’s basic functions are … [Read more...]