New Woman in the New Year


As a woman, and a fellow household decision maker, I understand the struggles women face with juggling a job, a house, a spouse, a social life, and a strong desire to be fit and healthy.  Even more, what if you have children???  Where can someone possibly find any more time in the day?  As it is, you barely feel like you have time to wash your hair and do your makeup, right? This New Year, make a resolution to be good to yourself.  Make YOU a priority!  Women have the tendency to put everyone else first - children, husband/spouse, family, friends, work, and so on.  Realize that YOU being … [Read more...]

Helping Your Child To Develop Healthy Habits Does Not Have To Be Stressful!


Motivating your child to establish regular exercise and healthy eating habits from a young age can be a challenge.   A parent is a child’s number one role model.  Therefore your number one priority has to be your own health.  It’s true what the airline flight attendant say, “You must don the mask over your nose and mouth prior to helping your child”!  Decide right now to make your health a top priority, it’s not selfish, in fact it’s the best thing you can do for your child, but you have to mean it, It is amazing how kids pick up on wishy-washy intentions, so get serious and be … [Read more...]

Yoga Resolution: Study Proves Positive Effects on Mood


A recent study by the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) found that yoga has a more positive impact on mood, including reduced anxiety and depression, than other forms of exercise.  The study included two randomized groups of approximately 35 individuals who were assigned to participate in either one hour of yoga or walking three times a week.  Those who participated in yoga demonstrated significantly increased brain gamma aminobutyric (GABA) levels.  Individuals with low GABA levels have been found to exhibit depression and anxiety related issues.  Participants were also asked to … [Read more...]

The Real Story Behind Organic Eggs

This egg-cellent video produced by the Cornucopia Institute shows graphically the difference in humanely, organically farmed chickens, and those in egg production houses. In the video, it mentions purchasing local family-farmed eggs at the Farmer's Market. This is just another example of how your local Farmer's Market supports the age-old tradition of family farms, and helps your friends and neighbors sustain their way of life! Click the link below to view the video: Scrambled Eggs ***************************** … [Read more...]