This New Year Find the TRUE Fountain of Youth!


Most of you have likely figured out that there is no secret “Fountain of Youth” out there located in some far away land, where a quick dip will suddenly return you to the glory of your early 20’s. In addition, trust me when I tell you that there are no “magic bullet” supplements, herbs, or drugs that can visibly transform you from the Dairy Queen into Queen of Fit without discipline, dedication and shedding a little blood, sweat and tears. You see, the truth is, there are no short cuts, and there are no secrets. The answer lies in a well-designed nutritional program and a no-nonsense … [Read more...]

How to Stay Healthy in a Hectic Environment


Who doesn’t have a hectic life? Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day? Do you know you need to make some changes but don’t know exactly what to do? How do you find the time to squeeze “it” in during your busy day??? With our careers, family, and commitments we have to take care of every day, sometimes taking care of ourselves gets forgotten or put on the back burner. Our productivity is effected the more stressed out we get. We are so much more productive in our personal and professional lives when we take care of ourselves. Ok so that sounds great and … [Read more...]

This Year WILL Be Different: Setting New Year’s Resolutions


Why oh why do we make New Year’s Resolutions that we can’t keep?   How can we set goals and accomplish them?  If you are considering setting resolutions for 2011, I challenge you to think outside the box and keep a few points in mind. (1)    Include well-rounded goals that target external and internal well-being…for a healthier body, mind, and spirit. We often limit ourselves to external and behavioral goals.  The most popular resolutions include starting to exercise (37%), eating better (13%), and reducing the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs, or quitting smoking (7%), … [Read more...]

Developing Healthy Habits for Busy Mothers

Mom and Son

Establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to feeling better, fitter and more relaxed. It gives you the power to cope more effectively and efficiently with obstacles that we busy mothers are faced with on a daily basis. Who wouldn’t want to experience the benefits of healthy living? Through the introduction of regular exercise and a healthy nutrition plan, we can improve our mental health by lifting our moods, save money by not buying as much processed foods, lower the risk of developing illnesses and most importantly take control of our life. As a busy mother, I … [Read more...]