Tu índice de masa corporal


El índice de masa corporal (IMC) es una herramienta usada por médicos, nutricionistas, entrenadores y otros profesionales de la salud para determinar si una persona está en su peso saludable. Se calcula tomando en cuenta la relación entre tu estatura y peso dándonos un número que nos clasifica en una categoría que nos da a conocer si estamos en un peso saludable. El cálculo IMC no distingue entre musculo y grasa y por eso no mide el porciento o nivel de grasa en el cuerpo aunque mientras más grasa tengas en el cuerpo mayor será tu IMC. Debido a esto atletas que son muy musculosos pueden … [Read more...]

Food for Families

A lot of people come to me for nutrition advice - young people, forty-some thing's, vegetarians and even athletes.  The most important group to address is the family.  I don't know many people that honestly live, breathe, sleep and eat alone, all the time.  Most people are involved in a family - plus one, plus 4 or plus 10!  Good nutrition is NOT attained by one person alone...it needs to be addressed at the family/group level. As an ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, I am qualified to provide nutrition advice and meal plans to individuals in general good health.  When I first meet with … [Read more...]

Beat the ”Mommy Blues”


Having a baby is supposed to be a time of excitement and joy.  However, life has a tendency to surprise us and things do not always end up how we planned.  If you are feeling down, doubting your ability to be a mom, or confused or disappointed about your emotions, here are some tips to keep in consideration: 1. You’re not alone.  Research indicates that anywhere from 30 to 80% of new moms experience “mommy blues” and 10 to 25% experience more severe symptoms, or postpartum depression.  Ask others if mommy hood was a more difficult adjustment than they expected…you may be surprised that even … [Read more...]

Pregnancy and Exercise

When a woman is pregnant her body goes through dramatic change. Common physical complaints are exhaustion, lethargy, back pain, nausea, muscular and joint pain and dizziness. There are major hormonal changes with the production of existing hormones raised and new hormones are made specifically for pregnancy. During pregnancy, the woman’s cardiovascular system expands to support the needs of the growing fetus. There are muscular imbalances where specific muscle groups must work harder to support the body in the upright position. Pregnancy hormones stimulate lengthening and laxity in the … [Read more...]