Meal Planning Tips for your Busy Family


  To say that family life is “busy” is an understatement. Between work/school schedules, extracurricular activities and other obligations, most working moms will jump at any opportunity they can take to press the “easy button”, especially when it comes to meal planning and food preparation. Here are 5 easy food planning tips to make sure your family is getting a balanced diet, even on a budget! Determine your Family’s Needs So your family’s gotta eat- and eat often. Planning out your family’s meals ahead of time will ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need, not to … [Read more...]


no carbs

This month I will continue my discussion of why I feel that a zero-carb approach to dieting might be counter-productive when trying to achieve not only ideal health, but your ideal body. Thus far I have mentioned that a lack of any carbohydrates in the diet will also cause a lack of insulin, which can compromise one’s ability to rapidly and efficiently uptake amino acids, glucose, creatine and other muscle building compounds into muscle cells at several critical times during the day. As well, this lack of insulin will also result in higher levels of circulating cortisol, which can cause a … [Read more...]

Should You Buy Organic?


Nowdays we browse the grocery store and see tons of items that are "organic" and seem to be much more cost wise. For American families living on a buget but still trying to balance the importance of nutrition; this can begin to get confusing for us all. I will discuss what i believe is important to buy organic and what your wasting your money on. Organics! I am a big believer in organics but I think certain foods are unnessecary and some are a must! Alot of this processed foods in boxs or packaging that is ‘organic’ is worthless. Just because it is organic cane sugar dosent mean ANYTHING! … [Read more...]

You Are What You Eat!

How many times have you heard someone say “You are what you eat?” This statement is actually quite true. I know at times my diet can use a little help, but most of the time I try to eat pretty good. I like to focus on colors in my meals. A colorful plate just looks so good – and provides me with a great variety of necessary nutrients my body needs to function optimally. Plus, I just love the feeling of being healthy. If you were to look at your diet, how would you say it was? Do you think you could improve some of the choices you make? If you are like most people, the answer to this … [Read more...]