Sound Relaxation and Guided Meditation


Sound Relaxation and Guided Relaxation are other forms of Meditation.  Meditation on its own in the dead space of silence can be difficult without practice. One of the goals of meditation is to clear your active mind of thought, allowing the space for your mind, body, and spirit to simply let go, relax and be.   Often when people first start out, lots of random thoughts will pop into their head as they sit or lay comfortably. Focusing on your breathing does help, but having something tangible to concentrate on such as music or spoken word can make the process far … [Read more...]

Abortion Healing


Going through an abortion can be an incredibly emotionally trying experience. Though the life never came to fruition, attachment can sometimes already be formed in the mind and heart of the mother.   Many women find consolation through support groups formed of others who have been through the same experience. Being able to safely open up and share can help to work through the natural grieving process that can accompany the loss. This is done without judgment in a safe space. No matter if the abortion was recent or years ago feelings of sadness, guilt, and loss can linger. Until they … [Read more...]

Sand Tray Therapy

sand tray

As children, many of us had sandboxes to play in. We would bring in shovels, cars, trucks, spoons, dolls, you name it. We were only limited by our imaginations. As adults’ play is often frowned upon as childish or a waste of time, when in reality, that could not be further from the truth. To play and to imagine is to be an active creator in one’s own life.   Sand is a part of nature. It is earth. Much like gardening and getting your hands in the soil, the feeling of it is relaxing and soothing.   Sand Tray Therapy captures that feeling of oneness with the world by … [Read more...]

Anxiety Relief for Children


An anxious child can be challenging to comfort, but stress and anxiety are a normal part of growth in childhood. Every child goes through phases which are almost always temporary. Those who suffer from actual anxiety disorders are shy out of fear and excess nervousness, causing them to want to avoid activities and even socializing and making friends, which can leave them isolated making the problem worse. Anxiety disorders affect one out of eight children. Research shows that poor school performance and substance abuse often stem out of anxiety left untreated. It is important when … [Read more...]