Sand Tray Therapy

sand tray

As children, many of us had sandboxes to play in. We would bring in shovels, cars, trucks, spoons, dolls, you name it. We were only limited by our imaginations. As adults’ play is often frowned upon as childish or a waste of time, when in reality, that could not be further from the truth. To play and to imagine is to be an active creator in one’s own life.   Sand is a part of nature. It is earth. Much like gardening and getting your hands in the soil, the feeling of it is relaxing and soothing.   Sand Tray Therapy captures that feeling of oneness with the world by … [Read more...]

Sand Tray Therapy Taps into Your Sub-Conscious

sand tray

Sand tray therapy, a non-verbal type of mental health therapy, was developed in England by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920’s. It was found that through the use of miniature toys, sand, and water, clients were able to creatively express emotions, thoughts, and experiences. They could choose from a variety of toys to create the “world” in the sand tray that helped to tell their story. This method of therapy was found to be especially helpful to children since expressing themselves through words can be challenging. Even though children found this method fun, it is also very helpful to … [Read more...]

Which Type of Counseling is Right for You?


In the field of psychotherapy, there are many modalities. For those seeking counseling, finding the right method that works for them is crucial. Sometimes it is just a matter of trying out the different styles to see which one you connect with. Here are the various types of counseling that you will find here at Monarch Wellness. Talk Therapy: By far the most popular counseling style, and one that many people recognize, is talk therapy. This method involves the client talking about his or her issues and concerns to the therapist. After a few sessions, the counselor can get a clear picture … [Read more...]