The Benefits of Integrative Wellness

monarch wellness

Our physical health does not exist in a bubble. The mind, body, spirit connection is the trifecta of overall wellbeing and optimal health. In modern day life we are so scheduled and so rushed all of the time with appointments, social engagements, work, school, family, friends, we barely have time to sleep let alone consider self-care as anything more than a luxury. This is problematic thinking. Somehow taking the time to take care of ourselves has been labeled as selfish. The truth of the matter is that if you do not take care of yourself and put yourself first, at least once in a … [Read more...]

The Best Apology


We are human. It is bound to happen in life that each of us will make a mistake that will in some way hurt another person. Once we realize it has been an error on our part that has caused the damage if there is any hope to repair it an apology and amends need to be made. Saying you are sorry and actively meaning it, having learned from the situation, are two entirely different things. What’s the difference? It isn’t all that difficult to utter the words “I’m sorry” for most people. The problem becomes when, though they do feel regret in hurting you, they often times … [Read more...]

Your Self Awareness Guide


The Why’s? Ask yourself why you are making the decision you are… what is your motivation? Often we make snap decisions without really understanding the basis behind them. Take the time to understand what drives you and your choices. STOP When faced with a choice or decision, it often feels like the response should be immediate. Look before you leap is a wise old adage. Before reacting, just stop. Pause. Wait… simmer a bit. This helps you to remain at cause rather than ending up at the mercy of effect. Explain Practice articulating how you feel without placing blame on … [Read more...]

Expressing Appreciation


Do you take the time to tell and show your loved ones how much you care about them? In this fast-paced instant communication society things like simple hand written thank you notes have fallen by the wayside for many. Compliments: When you notice something positive about someone, take a moment to tell them, be it a stranger or a friend. You never know what kind of day someone is having, and one little compliment out of the blue could make their day or possibly even turn it around. How you really feel: Not everyone is a pro at expressing their feelings, for some, it is uncomfortable … [Read more...]