5 Cancer Prevention Tips that May Save your Life

October  is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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The Story on Strength…


Q: A friend of mine told me he read that there are many types of strength, but he could not explain their differences. Can you clarify? A: Your friend is correct. There ARE many types of strength. Let’s take a quick look at each… Limit Strength: this is defined as the maximum amount of force your muscles can produce. This type of strength is not likely to be seen except under the most extreme of circumstances, such as life-threatening situations or under the influence of certain drugs…PCP for example. Maximal Strength: this is defined a the most force your muscles can produce … [Read more...]

Honnor Moore, Persistent Focused Determination


"Take your healing path seriously and change something today. One little change today will bring a big change tomorrow." - Honnor Moore, from her blog:www.howweheal.blogspot.com Join me in finding inspiration through the journey of Honnor Moore, fitness model champion, who will not let rheumatoid arthritis get the best of her.  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease, whereby the body’s immune system painfully attacks healthy tissue, resulting in inflammation of the joints and muscles.  It is a chronic condition and can damage cartilage, tendons, and bones, often leading to … [Read more...]

3rd Trimester Exercise and Nutrition

Erin and Corry Pregnant

You’ve finally reached the home stretch!  You’re 2/3 of the way through, maybe even picked out baby names, nursery colors and are beginning to nest.  So before you think about slowing down your exercise routine or indulging in those extra treats because you are almost done, read this!   1.      Maintain your workouts – Some experts even recommend ramping up the amount of exercise you do in the 3rd trimester.  Why, the additional fluid and body fat on your body causes swelling and achy joints.  If you keep moving, not only will your body feel better but you will reduce your overall weight … [Read more...]