Healthy New Year

new year

Hello!  As we bid farewell to another year, we embrace new beginnings in 2013.  January is always an exciting month as we set intentions for the next twelve months.  According to a study completed by the University of Scranton, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45% of Americans usually make New Year's Resolutions and only 8% are successful in achieving them.  The #1 resolution for 2012 unsuprisingly was to lose weight. We invite you to join us in setting healthy resolutions for 2013.  Here are some quick tips in … [Read more...]

Healthy Holidays

Family Pulling Party Favors During Christmas Dinner

Yes, it's that time of year.  Shopping, holiday events, family, food, and STRESS!  Join us in celebrating HEALTHY holidays this season!  It's never too early to start your New Resolutions...if you'd live more healthy consciously 2013, reconsider the portions of your family meals this month, and incorporate exercise into the mad holiday rush! :) Looking for more tips to manage stress in a healthy way during the holidays?  Consider the following: —Mindfulness...Practice the skill of being in the moment every single moment.  All too often, we get lost in dwelling on the past or worrying … [Read more...]

Healthy Holiday Nutrition


The holiday season is a challenge when you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. This is the time of year from Thanksgiving to New Years when we have tempting goodies and foods we normally don’t eat. Not only are we making choices we would normally not, but we are also eating more than the norm. So how can we make it through the holiday season without too much weight gain and maintain some healthy choices? These ten tips for Healthy Holiday Nutrition will help: Don’t skip meals. Think of the holiday season as you would any other day of the year. Each day should begin with a … [Read more...]

Coping with stress during holidays

Holiday stress

Stress during the holidays? Those of you who never experience it need not read any further. But for the rest of us … let us think about it. What exactly is it that is causing us stress and why would we actually continue to do that to ourselves??? Wait a second, are you saying, you are not doing it to yourself? It is just what it is, what else can one do? Let me suggest that we human beings do not do anything that is not aimed at meeting at least one of our needs. In a first step I would like you to ask yourself what need of yours you are actually meeting by whatever you are getting yourself … [Read more...]