Use It or Lose It


Remember when you were in school and your parents and teachers would tell you "Use it or lose it"? That statement refers to exercising your brain. We must use it every single day, or you will find, one day, over time, that your mental capacity has lessened. Have you ever been good at crossword puzzles, sudoku, or search-a-word games?  Have you ever taken a considerable "vacation" from those mental games, and upon your return, you're not quite as good? The same is true for our bodies. In this crazy world we live in, we take on more and more responsibilities, and leave less and less time for … [Read more...]

Apasionada por el Fitness

Apasionada del Fitness

Apasionado: "tener, obligado por, o gobernados por una intensa emoción o sentimiento fuerte" ( La pasión puede ser expresada como un sentimiento de excitación inusual, el entusiasmo o la emoción irresistible hacia un objeto, idea, persona u objeto. Una persona se dice que tiene una pasión por algo, cuando tiene una fuerte afinidad positiva para él. ( Por "definición", la pasión por el fitness  se ha convertido en mi propósito. Sólo cuando ves cómo se puede devolver a las personas el control de su destino, te das cuenta del poderoso talento y responsabilidad … [Read more...]

Passionate for Fitness

Passionate for Fitness

Passionate: “having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling” ( Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object. A person is said to have a passion for something when he has a strong positive affinity for it. ( By “definition”, passion for fitness has become my purpose. Only when you see how you can give back the control of people’s destiny to themselves, you realize the powerful talent and responsibility you have been entrusted by the universe.  … [Read more...]

Fit or Fiction – Baby Boomers’ Fitness


Whether you're old or young, in shape or never picked up a weight in your life, you've probably heard a lot of fitness myths.  There are all kinds of ideas about weight loss and exercise out there, ranging from credible to downright crazy.  Here are just a few of the common myths baby boomers hear about their fitness and the real truth behind them. Myth 1:  You can't be in great shape. When you think of healthy, sculpted bodies, your mind generally cuts to people in their 20's.  While many people want to be more fit and healthy, they have convinced themselves that they are simply too old … [Read more...]