Family Play 365

Girl playing dog

How much physical activity does your family get each day? If you are like most American families, the answer will be - not enough! Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 72 million US adults are now obese and 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese. Obesity is the number two leading cause of preventable death in the Unites States. Being overweight or obese reduces your quality of life and increases your risk for chronic health conditions and diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood … [Read more...]

Passionate for Fitness

Passionate for Fitness

Passionate: “having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling” ( Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object. A person is said to have a passion for something when he has a strong positive affinity for it. ( By “definition”, passion for fitness has become my purpose. Only when you see how you can give back the control of people’s destiny to themselves, you realize the powerful talent and responsibility you have been entrusted by the universe.  … [Read more...]