The Best Apology


We are human. It is bound to happen in life that each of us will make a mistake that will in some way hurt another person. Once we realize it has been an error on our part that has caused the damage if there is any hope to repair it an apology and amends need to be made. Saying you are sorry and actively meaning it, having learned from the situation, are two entirely different things. What’s the difference? It isn’t all that difficult to utter the words “I’m sorry” for most people. The problem becomes when, though they do feel regret in hurting you, they often times … [Read more...]

Flower Power – Healing through Nature with Bach Flower Remedies


Though it is not known exactly when the use of tinctures in natural medicine began, Bach Flower remedies have been around since the 1930’s. Dr. Edward Bach, a British Physician is responsible for their creation. Bach Flower Remedies consist of a collection of 38 different tinctures made by extracting the essence of a plants or flowers by using an alcohol based solution. The 38 tinctures were specially created to match and counteract the 38 negative states of mind. These resulting liquids are very powerful and concentrated. Each plant has been found to have their own specific medicinal uses … [Read more...]

Tibetan Bowls Sound Therapy

Tibetan Bowls

The use of sound therapy has been used for thousands of years for healing the body and overall wellness. The vibrations of Tibetan and crystal bowls can help to bring your body’s vibrational energies back to a “normal” state.  This is called entrainment which shifts our brainwave state. Throughout the day and night, our brainwaves go through many changes. The “singing bowls” as they are sometimes called, emits a stable tone, which our brainwaves can then attune to. This “stabilization” is very soothing and assists in meditation and the ability for you to “downshift” into a very relaxed … [Read more...]