My Passion For Fitness

Loretta Mostofi

I am a personal trainer from Sydney, Australia. My passion since an early age has always been to be active and healthy. With the numerous years of experience and knowledge I have gained in the fitness industry, I now thrive on helping others achieve superior results in becoming leaner, fitter and healthier. My parents are Italian and food played a large part of our lives. In a Mediterranean background love is expressed through food and how much you eat. I was never thin nor fat growing up but was always on the larger side. I did play alot of sports, Little Athletics, Netball and Soccer (which … [Read more...]

The Holiday Wand


It's not enough that moms have to juggle kids, husbands, multiple schedules, school demands and meals along with their personal time to stay sane and healthy 11 months out of the year. Now moms have to add the holiday season and the grand calendar finale of December to the mix. Looking back, I remember my own dutiful mother 'running around like a chicken with her head cut off’, yet remaining gracious and pleasant about Christmas. (Did she keep a bottle of mulled wine in the closet to escape from time to time?) I doubt she even had the time... My sister and I had all the traditional joys of … [Read more...]

Why Am I Passionate About Health & Fitness?

Mesh close FB headshot

Why am I passionate about health and fitness? Honestly---because I am ANGRY!!!  I'm mad as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore!  And anger fuels intense passion!  My passion and hope is to open the eyes of everyone I can possibly touch to the travesties being foisted upon our health every day by people, organizations, corporations, and governments that we blindly trust to have our best interests at heart--but they DON'T!  They have the best interests of their bottom line, stockholders, & profits at heart! The best way to improve those profit numbers is by keeping as many people … [Read more...]

La Familia que Entrena Unida, Permanece Unida

Pilates Familiar

Te levantas, ayudas a tu familia a prepararse a salir, dejas a los niños en la escuela, te vas a trabajar, regresas, buscas a los niños, haces las tareas, a cocinar y, luego, a preparase a dormir. Entonces, dices y que no puedes entrenar porque los niños no te lo permiten… ¿La realidad? Tú eres responsable de tu cuerpo y eres el ejemplo a seguir para tu familia. Ellos se merecen que tú estés en la mejor condición física. Cierto es que, tú puedes trabajar tu programa de acondicionamiento físico, ¡junto a tu familia! Hazlos que sean parte de una vida saludable. El ver tu determinación, … [Read more...]