8 Consejos para mantener una buena figura durante las navidades

Cena Familiar

Llega nuestra temporada favorita de todo el año, tiempo de compartir con nuestros seres queridos, tiempo de celebración y descanso. La temporada navideña siempre viene acompañada de fiestas, reuniones familiares y mucha comida.  La mayoría de las personas tienden a ganar peso durante las festividades para luego proponerse como parte de las resoluciones del nuevo año ponerse en forma. Aunque muchos se resignan a ganar peso y dejar el ejercicio durante las navidades la buena noticia es que puedes disfrutar de esas sabrosas comidas navideñas y aun así no subir de peso. Incluso puedes llevarle la … [Read more...]

Where do you store your fat?


A recent study by the Mayo Clinic shows that whether you store "belly fat" or "booty fat" can have an impact on overall health.  We have heard for years that "belly fat" leads to a higher risk of heart disease, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and other factors leading to metabolic syndrome.  The study conducted on 28 volunteers proves that while "booty fat" increases the number of fat cells, "belly fat" actually increases the size of existing fat cells.  An interesting point that they make, however, is that an increase in lower body fat may actually decrease developing risk factors … [Read more...]

Healthy eating into the holidays!

friends at a restaurant

We are coming up on the wonderful but often dreaded holiday season when it comes to weight struggles.  With holiday parties, big family meals, and food gifts it is hard not to put on that typical 5-10 pounds over the holidays. Going into Thanksgiving, remember that it is ONE meal on ONE day.  Thanksgiving should not last all week long as far as your eating is concerned.  Leftovers are great and I suggest using them, but be conscious of the leftovers that you choose.  You can use leftover turkey and vegetables to create a great meal.  Apple pie…not so much! If you decide to treat yourself, … [Read more...]

Family Play 365

Girl playing dog

How much physical activity does your family get each day? If you are like most American families, the answer will be - not enough! Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 72 million US adults are now obese and 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese. Obesity is the number two leading cause of preventable death in the Unites States. Being overweight or obese reduces your quality of life and increases your risk for chronic health conditions and diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood … [Read more...]