Is it Worth the Price?


The price for the years of poor nutrition is brutally high.  And it’s not just the person who ignores their health that suffers.  The ones who love them suffer deeply, as they hurt when they see their loved one suffer.   We have all heard of people with emphysema and lung cancer who will take off their oxygen mask to smoke a cigarette, because the ‘addiction is too strong’.    How selfish.  They are hurting the ones closest to them more than themselves.  It’s the same with food.   People know they are sick and yet refuse to give up the very things that caused the sickness to begin with. Is … [Read more...]

Making Time For Fitness During The Holidays


Well here we are in the midst of another holiday season filled with family, shopping and the dreaded food. This time of the year is quite stressful for many families and we all have a lot on our plates. It is important not to forget to take some time for ourselves and focus on getting in our daily exercise; doing this will help relieve stress and help you avoid the dreadful winter weight gain. Regular exercise during these times will reduce your cortisol levels which in turn; will minimize abdominal fat gain.Make it a point to set at the very least 30 minutes per day to get some exercise in. A … [Read more...]

Ethics-Free Generation?

Only 3% of adolescents do not fall into the bully victim or perpetrator role?  USA Today recently reported on a study conducted by the Josephson Institute of Ethics this year regarding bullying and other ethical concerns.   According to the Ethics of American Youth Survey, 50% of students disclosed they have “bullied, teased, or taunted someone at least once” in the past year, and 47% indicated they had been "bullied, teased or taunted in a way that seriously upset me at least once."  Given that 43,321 adolescents ages 15 to 18, from 78 public and 22 private schools were surveyed, the results … [Read more...]

The Family that Workout Together Stays Together

Family Conditioning with Pilates

You get up, help your family prepare to leave, take the kids to school, go to work, come back, pick up the kids, do homework, cook and then prepare to sleep. Then you say that you cannot workout because of the kids... the reality? You are responsible for your body and you are the example for your family. They deserve you in the best physical condition. The truth is that you can work your fitness program along with your family! Make them be part of a healthy life. Seeing your determination, commitment and dedication to achieve and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle will also make them want … [Read more...]