Healthy Eating Tips

It is time to understand the importance of nutrition in your lifestyle change. Quality nutrition is just as vital as the exercise techniques you will learn (Exercise is the spark. Nutrition is the fuel. Without both, there can be no flame – no results). In order to maintain a lifetime change of health, a protein-plus, low-fat and moderate carbohydrate diet (low GI carbohydrates which are slow – releasing) is very important. PROTEIN   Protein is important for muscle development and repair from damage. Protein – rich foods will keep you feeling fuller which helps with weight … [Read more...]

Interval Training for Fat Loss

We have always been told that we have to burn fat as fuel to see any results in losing weight. We are told to exercise in our “fat burning zone” to burn fat as fuel. Exercise Physiologist Dr Jarrod Meerkin, a spokesperson for Exercise and Sports Science Australia,  says it doesn’t matter what type of fuel we are burning i.e. carbohydrates or fat, more importantly is the number of kilojoules burnt. Interval training is the most productive method of burning more kilojoules. Meekin says that all forms of cardio exercise are beneficial for weight loss but alternating sprints with a slower pace … [Read more...]

Exercise For A Healthy Heart

Participating in any type of regular physical activity that gets your heart beating faster will strengthen the heart muscle and help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce the chance of depression. A stronger heart means the blood is pumped more efficiently through the body which also helps increase the “good” cholesterol levels ( HDL) and lower the “bad” cholesterol levels (LDL). There are many other positive benefits from exercising as well: Strengthen your cardiovascular system. Improve your circulation and help your body use … [Read more...]

Developing Healthy Habits for Busy Mothers

Mom and Son

Establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to feeling better, fitter and more relaxed. It gives you the power to cope more effectively and efficiently with obstacles that we busy mothers are faced with on a daily basis. Who wouldn’t want to experience the benefits of healthy living? Through the introduction of regular exercise and a healthy nutrition plan, we can improve our mental health by lifting our moods, save money by not buying as much processed foods, lower the risk of developing illnesses and most importantly take control of our life. As a busy mother, I … [Read more...]