Sand Tray Therapy Taps into Your Sub-Conscious

sand traySand tray therapy, a non-verbal type of mental health therapy, was developed in England by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920’s. It was found that through the use of miniature toys, sand, and water, clients were able to creatively express emotions, thoughts, and experiences. They could choose from a variety of toys to create the “world” in the sand tray that helped to tell their story. This method of therapy was found to be especially helpful to children since expressing themselves through words can be challenging. Even though children found this method fun, it is also very helpful to adolescents, adults, couples and the elderly.

As young children, we make sense of our world through images. That is why, when you think back to your childhood, your memories probably appear first to you as images. This “image story” can then be translated into words. Sand tray therapy incorporates the use of images, using the right brain to form them, and then makes the transition to “telling the story” with our left brain.

Clients have their pick of many types of toys to express themselves. From mythical creatures to everyday animals, people, and items, they can create any kind of world in the sand tray. This freedom of expression is encouraged by the therapist who helps to interpret the manner in which the toys are used to compile the sand tray “world”.

Most people find this a soothing and unexpectedly eye-opening mode of therapy. It does exceptionally well at helping to uncover emotions and deep-rooted memories. What is nice is that you do not need to be an artistic or a creative person to participate in sand tray therapy.

Here at Monarch Wellness, our counselors are trained in sand tray therapy and may use other modalities in conjunction with sand therapy. The combination of therapies proves to be successful with some of our clients. Please call us at 239-231-3208 for more information. We are located at 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, Florida 34103.



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