Wellness Classes Help Your Child with Confidence

wellness classes

Every generation has its own struggles. Our current, youngest generation is growing up in a world surrounded by social media and technology. With a gadget at every turn, one can lose one’s self in the constant inundation of images, videos, and social media comments. These are issues that previous generations did not have to confront while growing up. In addition to these outside influences, children still need to go through the same self-discovery and growing up stages that all generations in years past had to do. With the additional stressors, it is important that children have the confidence … [Read more...]

Sand Tray Therapy Taps into Your Sub-Conscious

sand tray

Sand tray therapy, a non-verbal type of mental health therapy, was developed in England by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920’s. It was found that through the use of miniature toys, sand, and water, clients were able to creatively express emotions, thoughts, and experiences. They could choose from a variety of toys to create the “world” in the sand tray that helped to tell their story. This method of therapy was found to be especially helpful to children since expressing themselves through words can be challenging. Even though children found this method fun, it is also very helpful to … [Read more...]

Play Therapy Helps Children Communicate Feelings

play therapy

Children express emotions and communicate through play. It is fun for them. Children learn a lot through play such as self-expression, creativity, exploration, how to combat boredom, and connects them to others in a positive manner. Sitting in a chair, sharing their feelings, and expressing emotions through talk therapy can be a difficult task for children. Play therapy provides a safe, familiar form of communication between a child and his therapist. By the time a child is being seen in a therapist’s office he has exhausted all known coping methods. The ultimate goal of play therapy is to … [Read more...]